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Showing posts from November, 2023

Discounted Botox for Migraine Pain Relief

Therapeutic Origins and Purposes of Botox Most people think of Botox as a cosmetic vanity procedure to hide wrinkles.   But cosmetic uses came long after it was invented for therapeutic purposes.   In the 1970s, botulinum toxin (Botox) was used to weaken muscles that cause crossed eyes, as an alternative to surgery.   After positive outcomes, it started being used to prevent muscle spasms for people with other neuromuscular conditions.   In 2002, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a variation known as BOTOX ® Cosmetic for cosmetic use, almost 30 years after it started being used therapeutically.   In 2010, Onabotulinum toxin A (Botox) gained formal approval from the FDA to treat chronic migraine headaches.   I share this history because it is important to understand that Botox is a legitimate medical treatment for many serious problems.   Botox is a big help with my chronic migraine pain as it partially numbs the areas where headaches are at their worst for months

Free Nurtec ODT for Migraine Headache Relief

Long COVID and Migraines A common post-viral long-COVID problem is persistent migraine headaches.   Although they do not seem to affect the majority of post-COVID patients, they commonly plague those who had a history of migraines before their infections.   For those not familiar with migraines, they can be excruciating, and tend to come with nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and various other symptoms.   Imagine the worst hangover of your life, where everything is too bright and too loud, your head feels like it is being crushed in a vice and you want to vomit.   That is pretty much me every day, year after year. What is Nurtec ODT and How Does it Help with Migraines? But the good news is that after trying just about every common migraine remedy without much relief, my specialist prescribed me Nurtec ODT.   Nurtec ODT comes in little white tabs that you place under your tongue and let melt/dissolve to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream.   It is commonly prescri

Thanksgiving Feast Adjustments for Long COVID and CFS

Happy Thanksgiving!   Diet can really impact Long COVID and CFS symptoms, so it is worth considering how a typical Thanksgiving feast could affect symptoms.   A large meal is often an integral part of the holiday, so it is likely to have greater impact on symptoms than an ordinary dinner. Thanksgiving Feasting with Long COVID and CFS Here is a typical list of common Thanksgiving food with some nutritional concerns: A whole roast turkey: loaded with healthy lean protein Gravy: high fat Stuffing: high carbs, high fat Mashed potatoes: high carbs, high fat (with butter/gravy) Candied Sweet potatoes or yams: high fat and refined sugar if candied Pies: fat (buttery crust), cholesterol (eggs and butter), very high sugar Cranberry Sauce: very high sugar Wine, hard cider, or cocktails: alcohol and sugars Hot mulled cider: natural sugar, often with added refined sugar Munchies and snacks while the turkey roasts: often high carb, high sugar Blood Sugar Spikes and Crashes The traditio