Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid produced within your brain, liver and kidneys to help in the conversion of fat into energy. It is necessary for many of your bodies processes, and is believed to improve mood, memory and learning. It is used to help with a variety of issues, such as boosting mental function, fighting Alzheimer’s symptoms, decreasing depression, reducing nerve pain, and more.I first came across this for possible help with neurological issues related to low energy, low mood, and memory difficulties. I mistakenly tried L-Carnitine (without the Acetyl) for my symptoms, but it did not seem to help as much as hoped and I was informed by my long COVID neurology team that Acetyl-L-Carnitine was the preferred formulation. Since then, I have been taking it daily as part of my morning regimen with good results. After trying it for about 6 weeks, I stopped it for a couple of days and noticed an immediate decline.
While on it, I feel less sedated, and do better with mental activities. I used to eagerly read a book or two a week, but my symptoms made it too hard to remember the beginning of the chapter by the time I reached the end. On bad days, it was too hard to remember the beginning of a page before reaching the end. Now, I still find reading quite challenging, but it is no longer entirely hopeless. I can finish short articles and with the help of note taking, can often process the information and on good days retain it.
I am not touting Acetyl-L-Carnitine as a miracle pill, but it is definitely a key piece of my overall strategy, along with other supplements, medicines, cognitive pacing, external aids, pain management, etc. I can absolutely notice the difference if I forget to take it in my morning mixture of pills.
Here is the product I take daily:
NaturaLife Labs Acetyl L-Carnitine 1,500mg Maximum Strength
I like how it has minimal odor or flavor, goes down easily and does not upset my stomach or seem to have unwanted side effects.
Cautionary Note
It is virtually impossible to find any drug, supplement or practice that does not come with risks and possible down sides. Given the severity of my symptoms, I personally am more concerned with making it through another day or week than I am many decades. I choose to focus on the positive data and more importantly, the positive improvements in how Acetyl-L-Carnitine makes me feel. But I would be remiss in not sharing that some studies speculate that Carnitine within red meat may possibly be a factor in how red meat-heavy diets have higher rates of heart disease. While this seems to be little more than speculation and debate, talk to your medical team before making a decision.
For More Information
Here are some articles to help you understand why I gave it a shot in addition to the urging of my neurology team:
- WebMD:
- Healthline:
- University of Catania, Italy Study suggesting it improves memory and cognitive processes in elderly patients:
- Texila International Journal of Basic Medical Science article about how it fights aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases:
- Mayo Clinic on how it can potentially help with fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis:
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I invite on-topic, helpful comments from readers with free Google accounts. I am especially interested in comments that share useful tips for fighting long-COVID, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain and Migraines. Off-topic comments, comments that name other sites or products without including much relevant textual explanation, and comments disparaging any person or group will be deleted. As I am trying to keep this a positive place, I may also delete comments in a despairing tone that focus only on symptom misery rather than helpful ways to combat it. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and helpful tips!