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In the interest of complete transparency, I would like to share the following disclosures:

Qualifications and lack thereof

I am not a medical professional of any kind.  While I do have some science education, I am a technologist and not a doctor.  The information I share are my opinions influenced with the input of my medical team, personal research efforts and experimentation.  I am sharing what helps me, but am not qualified to say if that will help someone else.  This is why my articles use a distant tone without persuasive phrases such as “you should…”.  While I hope that my sharing will trigger productive conversations between other patients and their medical teams, sufferers should always seek professional medical advice before trying anything they find online.

Sponsorships and Affiliations

Many of the things that I am using to help me are commercially available products.  The easiest way for me to share information about such products is to link to them.  If feasible, I may attempt to enter into affiliate relationships with some vendors so that I might make a small referral fee when someone purchases a product via my links. While I do not expect to make significant income from this, I hope that it may help defray the costs of this web site and/or some of the products that I use to fight my own Long COVID symptoms.  I promise not to let the possibility of such commissions cause me to inflate the positivity of my comments.

I am open to writing reviews in exchange for monetary compensation or free products if someone has a high-quality product or therapy to help with Long Covid, CFS and/or migraines.  However, if I do accept any form of compensation, know that I will still candidly share my honest opinion about my experience and prominently disclose that I received compensation for doing so.

Availability for Interaction

As someone suffering from a chronic illness while trying to stay employed, I will experience symptom crashes where I find it difficult to respond to email and comments in a timely fashion.  To help ensure steady quality content delivery, I have chosen a platform that allows me to write articles in advance and release them at a scheduled date.  Thus, if you see a recent post from me but have not gotten a quick reply to your comment or email, know that I am not ignoring you and most likely had a set back or treatment that knocked me out of commission for a time.  I appreciate your patience and understanding, and will do my best to reply to questions, comments and suggestions whenever I am able.


United States copyright (17 U.S. Code § 101) allows for the assertion of copyrights both anonymously and pseudonymously.  This blog is copyrighted, and I have taken steps to be able to prove that I am both the owner and author of this work.  While I invite others to link to my content and discuss my ideas, please remember to provide proper attribution and respect my copyrights. © 2023, © 2024 all rights reserved.

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